Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Note: H.G. Wells is my non de plume with Mars on the horizon.

                                                  A BEAUTIFUL TV HOST FOR NASA
                                         "Tracy Dyson - Off The Earth - For The Earth"
                                                          "STATION LIFE" ON PBS





I took these photographs from my television when I was disabled in bed for a couple of weeks. I will keep trying for  better shots.

Her vibrant and attractive personality (still looking for more appropriate superlatives) drew me like a magnet to the NASA show on PBS at 9 a.m. each morning. I thought she was a professional actress/host they had hired.  Lo and behold, she is a well known astronaut with completed International  Space Station missions. Astounding!  It took me a few days to discover her name - she should receive more credits and mention her name more often. One morning she said, "This is Tracy Dyson - Off The Earth - For The Earth."  Thus, began my search for her photographs and information. That should be her oft repeated introduction and sign-off. In one broadcast interview, she said she was insecure at a younger age - that's seems to be impossible - she is brimming with confidence during her shows. How could you not love anyone who calls her boss, "The Big Kahuna" while hosting a nationwide TV show.

Below Photo:                                     "Young at Heart"


The photograph above,  is my favorite after searching through dozens of them on google images. I named it "Young At Heart.'
I selected this one before I found she had used it on her Facebook page. This is the one I will send to her for an autograph once I have an 8x10 glossy made at my local print shop. I will frame it, and hang it above my television as a daily inspiration.

TV Showtimes:  In my area of Brigantine Beach (outside Atlantic City NJ), the PBS channel is 9, and her showtime time begins at 9 a.m. This is during October, 2015. I will update as time goes along. I am looking at YouTube for any videos of her.

Superlatives, etc.  She looks like someone you would treasure as a friend - just to have dinner with her would put me "Off The Earth" on cloud nine.

Photo Gallery taken from my TV.

I found a new Tracy (NASA) PBS show at 11 p.m. last night. Here is a snapshot I caught of Tracy in her karate outfit - getting ready to fight the Martians :-)

"All Of Me"                                                                                        

                                                                                                                     "THE BIG KAHUNA"                                                                                                                     


       (StationLIFE: Nutrition Jan 2015)
Superlatives: Magnetic, exuberant, youthful, infectious, delightful, vibrant, attractive, personality.

YouTube video showed her being greeted by the crowd like a movie star. 
Al Reinart who wrote, "The Right Stuff" was a friend of mine in Austin, Texas 1970. He would have found a featured place for her.
I have to visit Building One from where she broadcasts.               Below   "Young At Heart"

                                                  "A Bad Hair Day


        "Smile! You're On Candid Camera!"

                                                                                                                     "Let me think about that"

                                                                    "I LOVE THIS JOB"


Signing off for now.

H.G. Wells  aka

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